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About Me

Coding is fun. It's like a game to me, and that's what keeps me motivated every day behind the screen. I like to keep my life diversified. Embarking on projects in both academic and non-academic fields is a must. 

At SUTD , I have completed projects using Java, JavaScript, Python, C and C# and  Google APIs. I have experience in working with basic electronics when required. Some examples include Arduino/R-pi  projects. Together with teams, we came up with an Foodr. and The Dealer Game. The former is a food application directed at combining the orders of hungry hostel students to lower food delivery costs and the latter is a 2 player turn based arcade game where players take turns guessing the other's selection. 

Self driven projects include building a game using Unity and a Network Sniffer to keep pesky hackers out of my private network. In 2019 Tech4Good Hackathon, my friends and I came together to prototype a solution for Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS). 

I love music. Been through some gigs, and will always go back at it! 

This site is catered to my non-academic achievements. For career achievements, please refer to my resume. 


Feel free to view my resume to see in depth what I have accomplished and the list will always increasing as it should. 


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